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Writer: Mary ArnoldMary Arnold

I was inspired this morning when I woke up at 5am to walk the my beloved side kick, Dude, and saw SNOW!

Dude loves the snow! In fact, he loves all the cooler weather. I’m sure the only reason why he tolerates the heat of summer is because of swimming & ice cream.

And so off we went…. There is something remarkably beautiful about walking outside in the snow when most people are just rolling out of bed. It's soooo peaceful…Its feels and smells so crisp & clean. And a little bit exciting… truthfully I love the change in seasons… although, I’m sure if I had had to drive to work today, I’d have been bitching…but given that today is my day off- it’s beautiful!

When did fresh snow switch from excitement to stress? When adulting set in…. Let's face it the magic and excitement of fresh falling snow diminishes as adults, we get less chance to enjoy it. I remember being a child and loving the snow! Being excited for it, looking forward to it! Oooh the fun and adventure we would have!!!

Trying to catch snowflakes on our tongue, making snow forts!

TOBOGGANING!!!!! At Bruce pit on the metal to toboggan ( before the 416 was there) Jesus!!! that thing went faster than greased lightning!

Sliding down the snow hill on Ariel court at the butt crack of dawn with my bestie Christina- yelling for everyone to wake up (yes, we were a$$hole kids) and now that I’m an adult- I apologize! Truly!

Feeding the birds at Jack pine trail- the whole family used to go… I’m not sure if it was because it was an inexpensive afternoon or a creative way for all of us to get fresh air (and tucker us out) , or because my parents found walking in the woods as calming/ grounding as I do.

It also meant that downhill skiing was just around the corner! Yeah!

I used to love skiing! I could have skied everyday of the week! I loved it… even after I hurt my knee( for the third time)! I’m often tempted to start skiing again…but it will mean I need to train and strengthen my knees…. Because I know if I bugger up my knees this time, it’ll mean surgery and lots of physio!

Yikes, just that thought makes me feel old… and then just like that it hits me the seasons are also a replica of the life cycle….

Spring is from birth until your late teens early 20’s; Summer is definitely our 20’s to our 40´s. We are vibrant ,busy and fun , and resilient; Fall is your 40’s…still stunningly beautiful, vibrant, secure, knowing who we are and aren’t, what we will tolerate and what you won’t. Less worried about the opinions of others… quiet confidence.

And then there is winter… knowing we are in the last season of life, beautiful, quiet, slower yet, wise ,quiet, confident and majestic…

Amazing the things that run through my head at 5am walking the dog through the first snowfall…

This wasn't really meant to be todays post but I was inspired! Thanks to my neighbor for maintaining his front flower garden...I wouldn't have had as many photo's without it. Stay safe! Stay Warm! ~M



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